3 - Want, with Tom Yust

3 - Want, with Tom Yust

created by @hugofaz

owned by @0xf329...aa69



3637 x 3637 jpeg, shot with Hasselblad medium format film and scanned on 2018. Unedited. "Want" was made in collaboration with Tom Yust, with whom, above all else, I learned to look inside.

100 NUDE Shoots is the epitome materialization of my artistic research on portraying the human figure. 100 NFTs will be minted into this collection over the course of my life, in 100 collaborations with 100 different artists representing 100 possibilities of the nude.

On primary, "Want" has a high Buy Now price and 2 secret lower reserve prices. An offer will be accepted if it is = or > than the higher reserve price. If that higher reserve is not met, the 3rd offer made that is higher than the lowest secret reserve but also higher than the previous higher received offers will be accepted.

Whenever "Want" is sold on secondary for a higher price than paid for, I recreate the scene in my current time and place, mint it to a separate WANT contract and airdrop both seller and buyer.

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