I Close My Eyes To See

I Close My Eyes To See

created by @moteh

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If the story of light begins with you, I wish to know where dreams are born. I close my eyes and make my way, surrendering to the longing that guides me. Through the endless sea of noise and distractions, disregarding all else in search of your essence. The less I see, the more I feel the fractured rapture of becoming whole again. The will to be. The stillness between my heartbeats. The sweet texture of forever filling up my lungs that reminds me you are not an illusion. The more I feel, the more I know. I'm getting closer. And the closer I get, the harder it is to breathe...There it is. There I am. I am the dreamer. You are the dream.

/ Written by Rebellicca & Moteh

10 ETH


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