created by @GiovanniMotta

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“LIKE TEARS IN RAIN” is a piece of art inspired by the famous idiomatic phrase spoken by the replicant Roy Batty in the legendary film Blade Runner, which refers to the ephemeral nature of existence and the importance of preserving the most significant moments of our lives. The deep connection between my artistic research and literature is evident in my admiration for Marcel Proust, whose novel "In Search of Lost Time" has influenced me in my exploration of the past through objects and sensations.

Everyday objects imbued with emotional memories form the fabric of each individual's life and play a crucial role in artistic expression. Through these memory artifacts, we can evoke dormant emotions and embrace our inner child. The union of Jonny Boy with memory objects offers a nostalgic and metamorphic experience that represents an invitation to reflection.

“LIKE TEARS IN RAIN” offers a profound meditation on the nature of human existence and the passage of time. Contemplating the metaphor of life and death as a transition to another dimension, the artwork invites us to consider the final transience of all things and reflect on the mysteries of human mortality. Evoking memories of childhood and the innocence of youth, the artwork reminds us of the importance of preserving our experiences and embracing the impermanence of life as a natural and necessary part of the human journey.
It is a journey beyond the boundaries between the virtual and the tangible, involving the viewer in an exploration of their own emotional world and authenticity. In this artwork, philosophy, art, and technology blend in a homogeneous and stimulating discourse that invites meditation and self-analysis. “IN RAIN” establishes a deep and philosophical dialogue between past and present, between the individual and the collective, inviting us to rediscover our inner child, encouraging us to immerse ourselves in a nostalgic and transformative journey. Along this path, we tackle universal themes such as childhood, memory, and self-discovery.

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