Obitus Venit

Obitus Venit

created by @muhju

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„Obitus Venit“ (latin for „approaching one’s end“ or „death is coming“) is a rework of John Collier’s painting „The Death of Cleopatra“. The figure on the bed – Cleopatra, depicted with a golden skull – has passed. Besides her, her maiden with an almost emotionless expression. She‘s leaning onto the bed, moments before succumbing to the poison herself. The reinterpretation shows Cleopatra‘s soul emerging from her body and manifesting as an angelic figure, reaching for a divine-like being with spread-out wings, who is pointing in direction of the upcoming journey: upwards.

„death hast cometh

thy pain shall subside

riseth up and did spread thy wings

I shall guideth thee in this parting

and alloweth thy soul beest free“

Muhju Art, 2022

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