Videotapestry (Observance) #1

created by @ManuelG.

owned by @Mattia Cuttini



Videotapestry is an abstract collage capable of condensing the information obtained from databases of images, pictures, videos, sounds into a moving digital image. The result is intricate and teeming tapestries of light that animate the space with their oscillations. They are ephemeral and at the same time strong in their immateriality, which allows them to potentially adapt to any space.

Indeed, each Videotapestry lives in its substance as a digital work but is designed to free itself from the virtual space of the screen, going into the physical world as a site-specific projection.

Here comes the idea of changing the project appearance, transforming Videotapestry into a work of archiving the memory of places which gives back that same memory to those same places in a new form: dismembered, decoded, and re-assembled in unpredictable abstract configurations.

I have always been fascinated by the practice of videomapping, large natural sculptures and wall paintings. These works are able to change the landscape and they often and willingly change with it over time, creating a real harmony with its elements and then leaving only a trace of their passage.

28000 ETH


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