ZEUS - God of Sky and Thunder

created by @Stripes

owned by @muhju



Zeus is a prominent figure in Greek mythology and is often considered the king of the gods. He is known for his power, authority, and control over the heavens and earth. Zeus is depicted as a strong and majestic deity, usually portrayed with a long beard and holding a thunderbolt. He is associated with various aspects of life, such as the sky, weather, law, and justice. As the ruler of Mount Olympus, Zeus is also recognized for his numerous love affairs and his role as a father to many gods and mortals. Overall, Zeus is a central figure in Greek mythology, representing power, leadership, and the divine order.

3D sculpted and animated piece of art with a lot of details, and amazing sounds design made by Aeneas Middleton (@MultiPlatinumHD)

last sold for 0.1 ETH

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