lolly fly

lolly fly

created by @razilone

owned by



It was our first meeting. On the photos she always looked spectacular, but in life she turned out to be a very shy girl. She brought a few bottles of beer on shooting. While I drank only one bottle, she drank three to loosen up and get not shy. After a while, she suggested me to do something unusual, I replied "let's hang you on the door" as a joke but she took it seriously and we started to bring our idea to life. It was difficult to do it quickly and beautifully because we both were drunk. I pulled the chair to the door which you can see in the photo, she did headstands, then I grabbed her by the waist and hung her on the door, using a towel to not hurt her legs. She said she felt bad and grabbed her head, I asked her to relax for a second to make a shot. So that’s how this photo, which is one of the most popular among my works, was taken.

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