

About Bouboy


Hi, I'm Bouboy, an illustrator based in Bangkok. I graduated from KMITL, Department of Fine Arts. I have been working in art for 10 years since earning my bachelor's degree. I am currently working on various illustration designs and paintings.

An interview with Bouboy led by Carlo Borloni


Can you share with us how your career as an artist began? What inspired you to pursue this path?

I think I am an art lover because I started studying art since I was a child and graduated with a degree in art. After finishing my studies, I ran a small business related to art.

When NFTs emerged, I decided to seriously explore creating art, and I’ve been doing it ever since. Art has been a part of my life throughout.


How has your style and technique evolved over the years since you started as an artist?

My art is about experimenting and exploring in every piece I create.

I love trying new things, such as arranging new compositions, testing different line thicknesses, or even changing colors.

I experiment with color schemes I've never used before, while still maintaining the unique Bouboy style.


What role do you believe artists and illustrators play in addressing global issues like climate change?

As an artist, I might only be able to talk about it to raise awareness, but I still insist that we are all facing the same problem and must work collectively together to solve it, not just one person alone


What has been your most significant accomplishment or milestone, and how has it influenced your work?

Being an artist is a truly wonderful profession because artists can think and express themselves freely through their paintings, without anyone or anything constraining them.

Moreover, there are people who support their voices and ideas, which is a rewarding aspect of life.

Whether the feedback is positive or negative, it signifies that what I’ve expressed is being heard and responded to.

This interaction, no matter how small, motivates me to continue thinking and working.


Have you encountered any particular challenges while creating this collection, given the weight and seriousness of the topic?

There weren't many obstacles or challenges during this project, the real challenge for me was deciding to start it in the first place.

I have to admit that I spent a long time contemplating whether to proceed with this collection because I didn't feel like I was environmentally conscious enough. I worried it would be hypocritical.

However, I realized that becoming aware of the issues surrounding global warming was important. After that, I began making small changes in my behavior.

Even though these changes were minor, awareness is always the first step towards making a difference.


Your statement mentions the rise of new and old bacteria and viruses due to climate change. How have you depicted these scientific elements in your art?

I may not always choose straightforward shapes in the images I create, such as scientific forms like bacteria or viruses that are invisible to the naked eye, yet everyone knows they are present, like during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Those tiny bacteria, which we cannot see, caused immense suffering and loss, forcing society and the economy to be completely restructured.

Similarly, the melting of polar ice reveals what lies beneath thick layers of ice, including countless bacteria we have never encountered, which could suddenly alter our world in ways akin to COVID-19.

Therefore, while my artwork may not heavily emphasize scientific elements, it is rich with social components that impact humanity more profoundly, serving to raise awareness and recognition of what is yet to come.


Climate change is a global issue with many facets. Which aspects of the climate crisis are you focusing on in your new collection, and why?

Actually, I'm not focusing on any particular aspect because I believe everything is interconnected in a chain reaction. Since the industrial revolution, the world has been getting hotter; we are emitting more greenhouse gases from various industrial sectors.

As temperatures rise, both humans and animals need to adapt, leading to migrations and the destruction of old ecosystems.

When we release wastewater into water sources, it contaminates our food with toxins, causing humans to develop more severe diseases at a faster rate.

Therefore, I see that everything affects each other, directly or indirectly.


How do you approach translating such a complex and urgent issue like climate change into your artwork?

The style of bouboy's work has always been dark comedy, focusing heavily on social and political issues. This new series, it still addresses social problems and remains centered on human-created issues.

While the approach or method might not differ significantly from previous works, this series aims to be more accessible by using simpler elements.

The topics are addressed directly to achieve the project's goal of raising awareness about the world's urgent state


Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your upcoming collection on climate change?

Due to the extremely bad weather conditions this year, Thailand has been incredibly hot. There have been reports of people dying from extreme heat both domestically and internationally.

I need to be cautious when engaging in outdoor activities. Additionally, there have been reports of the deaths of emperor penguin chicks. As an animal lover, this news deeply saddened me.

In fact, the inspiration for this work is quite personal and stems from feelings we all share.


Looking forward, do you have any plans for future projects that continue to explore environmental or social issues?

Of course, if I feel strongly about something, I want to be a small voice for it. I have always addressed social issues, primarily within my own country, Thailand. However, in recent years, I have felt that there are larger problems that require all of us to collaborate, such as the issue of climate change.

This time, I am grateful to Ninfa for giving me the opportunity to be a small voice speaking on this topic through my art. I will continue to create art as a means of advocacy.


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