A Mother's vision

created by @newlightvisuals

owned by



This is the footage from the piece - 'A Mother's Love'.

Obtaining this footage was one of the biggest rushes I have experienced.

As I witnessed this moment unfolding before my eyes, my heart was already pounding. Then all of a sudden a voice from the distance screamed...

"LAND THAT DRONE IMMEDIATELY" A silhouetted figure was running towards me fast.

It was a surreal moment. On one hand I was trying to pilot a drone and keep these beautiful creatures in frame. On the other I had an agressive male pacing towards me in a threatening manner.

I had to make a choice. Keep filming and use my words to talk this person around, or put my controller down and prepare to defend myself. I chose the verbal approach and was able to defuse the situation quickly. The man was a park ranger and was upset by me possibly disturbing the whales, which I respected. By the end of our conversation we were calm and he even asked me to go in for a closer look.

Winning bidder receives all footage shot in HD.

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