Art King Emanates Light, His bride Devours Herself

created by @emanuele_dascanio

owned by @emanuele_dascanio



Art is a constant flow of creation, and the ouroboros symbolizes its eternal movement. My project merges two iconic works into one, combining my hyper-realistic drawing "Artemisia Gentileschi" and the NFT "Armillary Ouroboros". The use of artificial light highlights the golden ratios present in both pieces, creating a relationship between classical painting and digital technology. The result is a sophisticated and glamorous artwork, showcasing at the Domus di NINFA. The "Artemisia Gentileschi" depicts the famous painter in a moment of sublimation of pain, while "Armillary Ouroboros" explores infinity and the artist's role in creation. Art is a transformative process, transforming pain into beauty, and this NFT invites reflection on this relationship.

An artist is a living Ouroboros, capable of bridging their inner self and the world through their exceptional skill in creating works of universal relevance.

40 ETH


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