

created by @Hugo Korhonen

owned by @Hugo Korhonen



Alone and lonely,

A challenge hard to face.

But in nature's embrace,

My soul finds its place.

No bullies to hurt me,

No judgments to hear.

Nature lets me be me,

Without any fear.

Seeking acceptance,

Every day a new test.

Can others see me for who I am,

Or will I always feel repressed?

Darkness creeps around me,

A weight that's hard to bear.

I feel like no one understands,

And no one truly cares.

The light seems so far away,

A distant, flickering flame.

But through the lens of my camera,

A glimmer of hope remains.

Pushing through the gloom,

With photography as my light.

Will I find my way out,

Or will the darkness reign in spite?

But one thing is for certain,

I won't give up without a fight.

For even in the darkest of times,

I'll always seek the light.

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