Hazy Day

Hazy Day

created by @efdot

owned by @CodeMedici



Meandering through an orange city in my mind, a mysterious pink fog wraps around every corner, blurring the lines between dreams and waking life. With such an uncertain future, how do we pierce through the haze and blaze our path?

“Hazy Day” emerged as a testament to my 90's roots, a playful exploration of childhood memories and the quest for clarity. Unfortunately, the week after creating this artwork, my home of NYC turned orange due to smoke from Canadian Wildfires, giving it a more melancholy feel.

This abstract artwork was created for – and exhibited at – the Ninfa Labs x Futura Drops “Otherwise Overwhelmingly Orange” Show in Milan, Italy.

1/1 digital drawing by Efdot

5793 × 7850 px


last sold for 0.7 ETH

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