

created by @alimo

owned by



Physical painting + Digital NFT

3200 x 4000 px | 30x40" in. acrylic on canvas

*Winner receives both pieces

1/1 - super rare



Almost one year ago I jumped into the web3 space and dropped my first collection. It’s been so dang fun. To pay homage to my genesis ‘snow collection’, my new piece ‘Pillows’ was born.

"This piece is about those dreams of launching off massive pillow lines while ripping powder in backcountry snowboarding with friends. It's a piece that reminded me of my teenage years when I'd slap snowboard and skateboard posters on my wall and dream about being a pro."



Project details, photos, and more at https://nft.originals.alimofun.com/


Sold via private collector with cash, then airdropped the digital NFT

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