Quien fue a Sevilla, perdió su silla

Quien fue a Sevilla, perdió su silla

created by @MangoScam

owned by @MangoScam



This piece was created in the metaverse through VR on a digital canvas. The work represents a Spanish saying "whoever went to Seville lost his chair" This saying is based on a historical event that took place during the reign of Enrique IV (1425-1474) In 1460 a nephew of Don Alonso de Fonseca, Archbishop of Seville. The kingdom of Galicia was very troubled at that time and the nephew asked his uncle for help to take possession of the episcopal see, while he stayed in the uncle's archbishopric, in Seville. Don Alonso de Fonseca restored peace in the revolt diocese of Santiago, but when he returned to Seville to recover his post, he found the unpleasant surprise that his nephew refused to return the Seville archiepiscopal chair.

0.3 ETH


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