Rise of my Heart

Rise of my Heart

created by @OdysseyoftheHeart

owned by @OdysseyoftheHeart



Artwork created for and exhibited at the Love Is Louder show at Ninfa Labs for Pride month in Milan, 19-24/06/2023

I have found myself adrift in the depths of despair, where shadows lingered and sorrows spoke, like a shipwreck at sea. But how lovely it is when fate's tides sweep us to redemption! A phoenix erupted from the ashes of my history, its fiery wings expanding, and my heart was resurrected in triumphant splendor from the ashes of my past.

The weight of pain vanished into the ether, leaving behind a tremendous sensation of liberty. A symphony of resilience coursed through my veins like a wind-whispered tune. I accepted the beauty of scars in this empowering transformation because they bore witness to the battles waged and the strength that had awoken inside me.

The past became a tapestry woven with wisdom strands, propelling me into a future embellished with unlimited opportunity. In this rebirth dance, I realized that even in the midst of turbulent oceans, one may find refuge, regeneration, and a route to thrive.

Now I turn to you, Milan, cradle of my dreams and heart incubator.

You gathered me from the hills to summon me to join your flower collection. Every morning, the hammering sound of your concrete breath woke me awake.

And I grew and bloomed again, seduced by your siren melody. I let myself to be guided by your lights and streets. On sleepless nights in your kind, cruel arms, I found myself filled with life. I could hear your voice calling and instructing me. And each time you caught me, you abandoned me like a bundle of roses to dry on your hot asphalt.

You were inside me, flowing through my veins like your infrastructure arteries, pointing directly to a black heart, mine, which, like yours, had lost touch with love.

Oh my Milan, you will forever be the city where I could not know love.

Farewell, I now rest my mind upon the shore, gazing at distant lights' reflections. Near the waters that birthed me, I rise once more.

May this work caress all who've felt out of place, devoid of love and peace. Seek what makes your heart soar, follow that path, and never glance back.

Love is Louder

0.3 ETH



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