Zombie Dolls

Zombie Dolls

created by @choenlee

owned by @choenlee



This one is from a series of lens based works which imagines a toddler having adventures in a dream world populated with things she is most familiar with.

The series is originally titled Duck Hunt, because the first two in the series depicted a giant rubber duck. Created as a personal project in 2015, it is remastered for the blockchain in 2023.

(For NINFA this is the genesis)

Back then, thousands of dollars was offered to have it adapted or recreated for their own children. I declined it.

'Zombie Dolls'

I am a terrible parent.

Back in 2015 when my offspring was still a toddler, I thought we'd watch a movie together and I put on Shaun of the Dead.

For adults it's LOL, knowing it's a parody.

For toddlers, they have no points of reference. Seeing people getting eaten by zombies was nightmares inducing stuff.

I made this as part of a healing process, to show her that she's the hero in her dreams, that she can always be in control of her dream and her story.



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