

created by @MABLAB

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Architectural space

In this artwork, we investigate the relationships within the space. We enhance the experience and perception of space within the concept of architecture and spatial design.

"interfaced" symbolises the connection between systems or individuals, facilitating communication and exchange. The point of interaction between users and machines, evolving from command lines to intuitive interfaces. It signifies the interconnectedness of our world and the myriad ways in which we interface with one another, with technology, and with the broader universe. As technology blurs human-machine boundaries, it prompts philosophical reflections on identity and consciousness.

"interfaced" embodies the interconnectedness shaping our world, pivotal in navigating its complexities and shaping our collective future in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

The artwork stems from architectural research in-depth and is created through 3D sculpting techniques.

8724 × 5848 px


last sold for 0.0095 ETH

0.0095 ETH


4/100 units minted

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