

created by @RagingTaz

owned by @ERNO



In the beginning, there was only noise:

Ordine shaped the primordial elements,

Ordine decreed the existence of matter.

The realization technique used for this project takes its cue from physical observations, particularly the consideration that matter is an agglomeration of interconnected sub-particles separated by a void. Almost the entire universe is basically composed of nothing.

The noise present in these works is, on the one hand, a metaphor for this consideration and, on the other, a representative technique strongly influenced by the study of textures according to the principles of designer Bruno Munari (Oct. 24, 1907 - Sept. 29, 1998) who asserted that investigating reality allows one to become sensitive to the "structure of things": the texturization of surfaces makes possible the transmission of further information about the represented material (whether it is smooth, rough, hot, cold). In the case of this project, the intention is to convey the chaoticness of matter.

last sold for 0.15 ETH

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