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According to the creation myth, Adam and Eve were the first men and women.

In the Garden of Eden, God tells Adam that he can eat from any tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Adam's partner, Eve, is made from one of Adam's ribs. They live in perfect harmony. However, Eve is persuaded to eat fruit from the forbidden tree by a serpent, and she offers some of the fruit to Adam. As a result, they are banished from paradise.

When seeking enlightenment, I frequently find myself in the position of Adam and Eve.

I fall for all of these lovely lies, but I devour both the fruit and the snake.

The cosmos of my mind emerges from a state of otherwise constant chaos when I work.

My hunger for knowledge creates a new door within me. It opens, and I continue rushing forward in this beautiful nothingness of a black hole, only to be met with another locked door.

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