•Jūryoku• Gravity

created by @Facysedated

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•Jūryoku• Gravity

3D Art By Facy Sedated

Clothing Design by E. salim

Music By Facy Sedated

We are used to thinking that life is as we observe it, that things, emotions and everything we perceive are only one way, but for the universe that idea has no place. The atoms that make up our body have traveled millions of years before taking our shape, the carbon in our eyelashes was created inside stars that died long ago. Things happen around us that we cannot observe with our simple eyes, we constantly merge with our environment. what surprises me the most about existence is gravity, even though it is invisible, it deforms everything around it, gives order and at the same time creates a perfect chaos. Without being aware of it, not even light can escape from it. Gravity unites galaxies and constantly pulls them away, leaving us alone in a corner of the universe.

Nothing we observe is what it seems, the only thing for sure is that ..

we are children of the stars.

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