
created by @Facysedated

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1500 X 1500 3d Animation

3D art By Facy Sedated

Music By Facy Sedated

When I was just a child, adults told me what was essential for them for any human, they told me that there was a huge man, an unattainable being who observed everything I did, everything I felt or thought. They advised me to take good care of what I thought because he could see everything, they told me stories of angels falling from the sky for having doubted him, they spoke of their enormous love and piety but also of how we were taken out of their Eden by eating an apple which represented knowledge. From childhood we were taught that doubting was wrong, that the things you feel are not right, we were banished from before we were born. We were taught to be afraid, to hate our nature because human nature was rotten. I lived terrified of myself for years until I realized that this punishing god only existed within me. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me, nor with you.

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