Your Naked, wild ratio for me, Leonardo

created by @emanuele_dascanio

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Can you see the structures that lie behind the shapes and meanings of the world?

The figure of Leonardo da Vinci represents a lot to me. I can say that I have him as a father figure to the holistic vision of the world that gives artistic beauty and even clashes of particles or sequences of numbers in the blockchain. Continuing my research on NFT mediums dedicated to the Modus Pensandi, the Modus Operandi and the Modus Vivendi of Leonardo da Vinci, I now wanted to concentrate deeply on his love for the golden section and the shapes repeated in the schemes of the world.

Using the aesthetics of artificial light as a metaphor for the light of intelligence, I aim to pay homage to all the great people of the world; who through commitment, discipline, sacrifice, love and passion, we’re able to become ardent about what they love, despite the immense problems that life offers.

Art in NFT is the synonym of creative pragmatism.

Within each of my artworks I use invisible grids in the golden section, even in this portrait of Da Vinci I was able to build on him, through the use of a single Golden Spiral starting from the eyes, creating an intertwining of coherent forces between them.

This method allowed me to create infinite fractal subsets of sections of auras that adapted to his image. Ultimately, creating a symbolic dance that appears to wildly go around his body, both inside and outside his Leonardo being. Aiding me to generate new poetry.

To the first collector of this particular NFT will be donated 6 physical multiples printed on museum paper, autographed, numbered and certified by the official Emanuele Dascanio stamp.

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