Praise of Idleness

created by @emanuele_dascanio

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NFT from my drawing: "In praise of idleness" 100 x 70 cm Charcoal and Graphite on paper.

This work of art was inspired by Bertrand Russel's essay "Praise of Idleness''. Bertrand Russel stresses the importance of useless knowledge over practical knowledge.

It is precisely these sophisticated "idlers" who have opposed a multitude of timeless workers at their disposal, who create horizons for science, literature and culture in general.


Yes, stop to observe for a long time. Not so much for the amount of time available, as for the quality of the observation.

Listening motionless while in the head, like throbbing and fragile butterflies, visions of connections and interconnections, relationships and interrelations, equalities, interconnections, concatenations of ideas and visions pile up in flight that lead to silent explosions.

The pressure cooker has warmed up enough, it is now full of gas and the only way to vent the energy it contains is through the small vent of the pencil.

But all this stopping to become dynamic, without silence, is nothing.

Stopping is synonymous with producing.

The apparent "doing nothing in front of the subject" is part of the job. It takes a lot of energy to stop and quit yourself.

Finding beauty helps stop.

The research formulates the thoughts without which the subsequent work of creating the Corpus Mechanicum of the artwork would have no meaning. What sense would work, effort, life have if there were no deep and solid foundations at the basis of these matters?

If an artist is content to produce images without worrying that they are effective enough to be able to make love with the mind of the beholder, he is not a true artist.

Idleness is a sea full of fish, a blessing for those who know how to fish them.

The first collector of this particular NFT will be donated 6 physical multiples printed on museum paper, autographed, numbered and certified by the official Emanuele Dascanio stamp.

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